Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Being ... me ...

I'm almost sure, he has found me here.
Almost sure both of them did find me here.
They're both a bit stalker-ish. 
So, well, yes, this does explain something.
I have managed, in my best effort to be cool and collected and not pushy, to leave the impression of being too cold.
I may have said something that might be understood as if I'm not that interested anymore.
I am interested as far there is interest on the other side.
It's just me being me.
Over-trying to hush my enthusiasm and excitement.
Over-trying to look casual and busy and as if I'm not that involved.
Just to make sure I don't push people to run away.
Well, I might have done that nevertheless.
(here comes the part of mentioning coitus sideways and something about a chainsaw)
Oh, the games people play and then I feel I need to play them to although that's just not me and I really don't like these games and I like honesty and because of that I turn out to be just too naive and think that if I feel like this and people tell me they feel like this it's all set and done and we have a deal.
*breathe out*
Well, usually that's just not the case.
Yes, I'm naive. I believe what people tell me. I see no reason why would they lie to me, considering the situation. 
I guess I need to sleep this one through, right.
It's just ... I really like being me, now.
(Making sense: none)

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